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TIW: Monotonic Stack

6 minute read

I actually made this name up; I don’t know what it is called. This is how the Chinese call it apparently, 單調棧. It sometimes comes handy when you need O(n) pe...


7 minute read

Breadth First Search and Depth First Search are both essential skills to passing medium problems. If you’ve been following along, I’ve already written BFS on...

EE354 Project: Minesweeper in Verilog

3 minute read

Finished a project a few days ago for EE354 at USC: Introduction to Digital Circuits. The final project for the class requires us to write a program in veril...

Binary Search: A Better Way

7 minute read

So you think you know how to write binary search - just like everyone else. I mean, it’s easy, right? Maybe, but you can probably do it better. Let’s start w...

TIW: Range Sum

4 minute read

Prefix array sum is a useful tool that shows up often. It achieves the following:

TIW: Two Pointers

4 minute read

It’s quite surprising how much you can accomplish with constant extra space. There are a few classic problems with integer arrays that can be solved by two p...

TIW: In Place Swapping

5 minute read

Among my very little interview experience, I’ve seen this type of question twice. In general, you are given an array (maybe 1D, 2D or higher), and you need t...


5 minute read

I will dedicate this post to two functions in particular: upper_bound and lower_bound. They make the impossible become possible. Basic facts about them: